kamu adalah takdir duniaku

Saturday, 6 August 2011

loulan...? who loulan??

history ...bout loulan.
dat hv a sweet name.. but creepy ..

                                  She is Loulan

A 3,800 year old mummy discovered in the Xinjiang province of China nicknamed the Loulan Beauty. Particularly unique is that her facial structure is very close to that of European/ Caucasians which raised questions on how she ended up in this region of China so many years ago. To put this in context, she lived in the same period that Prophet Abraham lived.
Her status and wealth can be seen by the feathers in her hat. And you can watch a video clip of the mummy here

From God have we come and to God is our return and may God Almighty have mercy on us all, amen.

Yang ak boleh letak nama loulan ni..
 aku nengok lam national giographic..
omputeh omputeh tu.. bt kajian tntg mumia dr xinjiang.....
 lps tu dorunk simpan mumia tu n letak nama 
sorang satu sbb ada dua mumia y dia orang jumpa... 
mcm arkeologi gitu gitu lah..  ntah la ak pom tatau bub2 histeri ni
x minat sbb chekgu sjrh aku (lie piee) kata... 
"kakak.... balik baca na buku sjrh... x knl maka x cinta..''... 'sejarah A semua A'.... kata nya lagi.
oleh itu... (terpesong lak)..  
kontiniud balek.. omputeh2 tu pom taruk nama loulan n sorg lg apa ntah...
aku punya berkenan nan nama tu.. ak pom tukaq la fb ak, tagged ak,, n now, my blog.. pom
LOULAN... itu lah histeri nya,...


  1. salam...

    entri yg terbaik...

  2. salam...
    trima qaseh...
    hv lovely day

  3. ahhaha.... new blogger... welcum.. edit hbih dahhh kaa haa?? cun3!!!

  4. hahha.. nisya.. edit otw follow y org..
    btw, thanks..
